Being Sensible

It’s often taboo to talk about finances, albeit conversations on saving for retirement, getting insurance and planning your estate are instances each one of us would try to avoid. 


According to Benjamin Franklin, “…In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.

While that may hold true, life still happens in between. Either in slow motion or on the fast lane. But when emergencies and bumps happen, how many of us (especially those in the middle class families) can continue life in the same pace without being financially disabled, oftentimes ruined?

When I was fresh out of college and starting my career, I felt invincible! I was young, healthy and earning my own money. Preparing for the future financially was not on top of my list. I was living on the belief that I will look for means and ways when the situation calls for it and that eventually God will provide. While that belief is very ideal and noble, reality bites. Fast forward to the present me with my own growing family — ever supporting husband, 2 growing school kids and 2 dogs… with loans and bills to pay. It is good to live in the present, but planning won’t hurt anyone. When we got married, my husband and I started living on day to day needs. When our 1st-born was in pre-school and our 2nd child started walking, we realized living on the now was not enough and had to ensure we have contingency plans.

life-insurance-costIn today’s economy, everyone should be diligent in saving money and planning ahead. Considering the inflation rate, cost of living, increasing personal and family needs, and the type of lifestyle we have now, how sure are we that we will remain invincible until we reach our golden age? Securing for your future would be your gift for your older self and eventually for your family.

While death and taxes may be inevitable, we can definitely set aside a little something regularly to ensure that we can still provide for our families when death takes us, or when emergencies like disability or accidents happen, or even to leave a legacy.

I’m very excited to share with you what I have learned from several seminars on financial planning and references I’ve stumbled upon in my quest for more knowledge on it. Follow me here or on Facebook and hit on the “Like” button and let’s learn together!

Should you have questions or would like to discuss a personalized and comprehensive financial plan, please don’t hesitate to send me a private message or email me. I’ll be happy to exchange ideas with you.

Sensible Cents

March 7, 2015

money sense